Contact Us

100 115th Street West
Saskatoon  SK S7N 1W3

Tel: 306.244.7775
Fax: 306.244.7775


Office Hours

Summer Office Hours

Monday to Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

In Effect From
Monday June 10, 2024
Friday August 30, 2024

 Regular Office Hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 12:00 noon
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Will resume on
Tuesday September 3, 2024
after the Labour Day Long Weekend

 After hours:
by appointment

Holidays Observed


Observed dates
Office closed

New Years: Jan 1st
Family Day: Feb 19th
Good Friday: March 29th
Victoria Day: May 20th
Canada Day: July 1st
Labour Day: Sept 2nd
Thanksgiving: Oct 14th
Remembrance Day: Nov. 11th
Office Closed: Dec. 24th Noon
Christmas Day: Dec 25th
Boxing Day: Dec 26th*
Office Closed: Dec. 27th
Office Closed: Dec. 31st Noon


Observed dates
Office closed

New Years: Jan 1st
Family Day: Feb 17th
Good Friday: April 18th
Victoria Day: May 19th
Canada Day: July 1st
Saskatchewan Day: Aug 4th
Labour Day: Sept 1st
Thanksgiving: Oct 13th
Remembrance Day: Nov. 13th
Office Closed: Dec. 24th noon
Christmas Day: Dec 25th
Boxing Day: Dec 26th*
Office Closed: Dec. 31st Noon

Prairie Law Group is a great place to work.  Its not just about earning a living. Its about being treated with respect, and its about being real with people.  We are committed to using technology to advance the efficiency of the practice of law and reducing our footprint ecologically and physically. We are committed to reducing the amount of paper that we have to print, store and keep.  While the goal of going paperless is not feasible at this time, we do try to get as close as possible.

As a firm, we embrace technology, and try to use technology to improve our efficiency and provide value to our clients. We'd like to think that we are one of the more technically advanced small firms in the city and we are continually trying to improve that, not just for technology's sake, but for productivity and to make our jobs easier and to better serve our clients.

At the moment we are not actively looking to expand our team, however, we would always be open to discuss possibilities with anyone interested in joining our team.

Contact James Ridgway if you would like to discuss the possibilities.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 306-244-7775 ext 1