Forms - The following are links to the Saskatchewan Queen's Printer forms required.
You can access the Saskatchewan Law Courts website for copies of the Rules of Court and Forms here.
Additional resources and links (These links all take you away from our website and will open in a new window/tab)
Child Support Online Lookup - Look up the amount of child support you would be obligated to pay
Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (English) -- (French Version) - Caution: This is an advanced topic and you should consult your lawyer!
Divorce Act (English) -- (French version) - Federal legislation
Note: Clicking the link for Saskatchewan legislation initiates download of a .PDF file for the applicable Act directly to your computer or phone.
The Childrens Law Act - Saskatchewan Legislation
The Family Property Act - Saskatchewan Legislation
The Adult Guardianship and Co-decision Making Act - Saskatchewan Legislation - Protection of Elders
Canada Revenue Agency - Change of Marital Status - Form RC65 fillable
Books: (Links are provided to for convenience only)
There are many good titles available - search "divorce" in books at
Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay - Mira Kirshenbaum - Can help you decide whether to leave or stay in your relationship
Allies in Healing - When the Person You Love Was Sexually Abused as a Child - Laura Davis - written for the partner of a victim
Help for Victims of Abuse - Always call 911 if you or anyone you know is in immediate physical danger!
Check on page 2 of the Saskatoon Directwest Phone Directory for helpful information on these topics:
What is abuse? - Many victims (men as well as women) do not recognize abuse when it happens to them.
Are you being abused? - Many victims do not realize they are in an abusive relationship.
What are some signs of abuse?
The following information is reproduced from the Directwest Phonebook:
Help Lines:
Abused Women's Info Line (24 hours) 1-888-338-0880
Kid's Help Phone (24 hours) 1-800-668-6868
Ministry of Social Services Child Protection Intake line 306-933-6077
Mobile Crisis Line 306-933-6200
Saskatoon Sexual Assault Centre (24 hours) 306-244-2224
Safe Shelters:
Adelle House (2nd Stage) 306-668-2761
Crisis Nursery (24 hours) 306-242-2433
Infinity House 306-955-2332
Salvation Army Men's Shelter 306-244-6280
Saskatoon Interval House (24 hours) 306-244-0185
YWCA Saskatoon (24 Hours) 306-244-2844